Monday, May 23, 2011

Gathering 2011


Our annual family gathering is getting closer, and the excitement is building. As a review it will be held June 16, & 17 2011 (Thursday & Friday). David & Deanna, Cheryl & Ron, & Cindy please make sure all your kids & grandkids are informed of this and are encouraged to attend.

On Thursday nite, those that can will meet at the Mt. Timp. Temple close to 6pm. I have made an appointment with the sealing office at 6:30 pm to do some family sealing’s. One group of 8 will be sealing Sophie’s siblings to their parents, and another sealing of Grandpa Tim to his folks Marion & Sophie. This will take only about 20 minutes once it gets started. Those who want to participate will need to dress in the Temple ceremonial clothing, with the robe on the right shoulder, & be seated in the room by 6:30pm on the 3rd floor. (Check with the sealing office, it is just beyond the marriage waiting room, for the room assignment). If you do not want to participate, but want to watch, wear Sunday dress & they will let you in the sealing room. After this event those who want, can leave, or do a session, or do some initiatory, or go to the lower floor and eat.

On Friday, lets all plan to start eating dinner at the stake center (about 500 n. & 500 w. Orem, by Cliff’s house) at 6:00 pm. Please arrive sometime before then with your food assignment (check with Amanda). We will pray, eat, and play a few games, clean up, and go home with happy memories. So far we will have....1.) Elle & Drew under parental supervision, in charge of the water balloon event, ....2.)Matthew & Jen will oversee a fishing pond & a digging for treasure event,........... 3.)Cheryl & Ron doing a few more games,.......4.) Amanda organizing food assignments..... 5.)I will set things up at the church.

Everyone is invited who falls under the umbrella of the Tim & Rona Otis Family. Hopefully this annual event will grow and become better each year. Elle turns 12 this year, with Victoria having been there and done that. Maybe next year, we might put together a lot of family names and do the baptism and confirmation for them at this reunion event, which would include Elle & Victoria as participants.

If your contact info has changed in the last 2 years or so; Please send that info to me before June 5th & I’ll distribute it. Forget that assignment in the last group email. Also, if anyone would like to do a game or fun activity please let me know. I do not like to make assignments, and solicit help and ideas to make this 2 day event enjoyable to all.

Matthew has taken the great big ‘Otis family in America’ book, compiled and arranged by William A. Otis, 1924, close to 700 pages; and organized the names in a systematic way of identifying, and searching these ancestors, for the purpose of doing their temple work. Please contact him, to help, & to get trained on how his system is set up. There might be a better way, but if we all play on the same team & work together, great progress will be made. Between the 4 children of Tim & Rona there are at least 35 Adults who could help. If 10 adults pulled 50 names each by next reunion time (that is about 1 a week or about 4 a month), we would have 500 names ready to be cleared or done next summer for our get-together.

One last note, this all costs money. If any of you would like to make a donation to this year’s event, and or, next year’s get together, please let me know. I will set up an account at a local bank under the name of ‘Otis Family Gathering’, two signatures checks, and will use the funds to cover costs.

Thank you,..... if you cannot come this year please plan on next year. Cliff

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